“On my 8th day of Christmas, I give you… 8 bloggers blogging… or that’s 9 if you include me.”

I love a good blog, especially when it’s about test driven development, mobile
development or getting our heads around agile. Here are my top 8 sites where I
keep up with your views in the development community. They range from the
informative Kitchen Soap to the bright insights of Rosie Sherry. You should
check them out yourself.

1. Peak Performance: http://scott-barber.blogspot.co.uk

2. Curious Tester: http://curioustester.blogspot.in/

3. Alexander Beletsky: http://www.beletsky.net

4. Matt Wynne: Tea-Driven Development : http://blog.mattwynne.net

5. Kitchen Soap: http://www.kitchensoap.com/

6. Andrew Shafer: http://stochasticresonance.wordpress.com/

7. Joel on Software: http://www.joelonsoftware.com

8. Rosie Land: http://rosiesherry.com

Thank you guys for all your ongoing insights, and do keep in touch with
me, your fellow testing blogger, right here. It would be great to hear
recommendations from other developers too on any blogs I haven’t mentioned
and should be keeping an eye on.



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